2024 iPad Pro

renaissance chambara
9 min readJun 4, 2024

In my take on the 2024 iPad Pro I am going to look at things through three lenses and after the initial hot takes have cooled down. These three lenses are:

  • Hardware
  • Semiconductors
  • Advertisement

Apple and Microsoft both push their most powerful tablets like the 2024 iPad Proas creator tools. However, at the time of writing I have been working alongside creative teams in a prominent ad agency and both the creative and strategic elements of the work we were doing were pulled together using different software, but the same hardware. Apple MacBook Pro computers and large secondary monitors. An illustrator attached a ‘ graphics tablet’ alongside their laptop to provide additional tactile control, just in the same way I am known to use an outboard Kensington trackball for additional fine control in creating presentation charts.

Where I have seen iPads used:

  • Senior (older executives) replying to emails — I suspect its because the screen is bigger than a smartphone.
  • As a media player device. The iPad is the travel and bedside equivalent of the book and the portable DVD player.
  • As a presentation device. Friends that give a lot of public presentations at conferences and one who works as a university lecturer both use the iPad as device to present from in place of lugging around a laptop.

In all of these use cases, there isn’t that much to differentiate iPad models and the main limitations are…



renaissance chambara

Creative strategy, brand, integrated. 🌐 - LDN | HKG | PUS 🇮🇪🇪🇺 More at https://bit.ly/gedstrategy