IT director powers up thanks to AI & cybercrime

renaissance chambara
2 min readJun 21, 2024

The IT director is seeing a return to power and its thanks to the power of hackers and AI. The smartphone, the resurgence of Apple and SaaS saw IT decisions become more organic thanks to increased access to online services that provided better features than traditional enterprise software companies and the rise of knowledge working. IT teams found management of mobile devices onerous and faced hostile users.

Michiko Fukahori of the Japanese National Institute of Information and Communications Technology at ITU TSB — 8th Chief Technology Officers (CTO) Meeting

This meant that the IT director became less important in software marketing. A decade ago marketing had pivoted to a bottom up approach of ‘land and expand’. This drove the sales of Slack, and MongoDB.

Two things impacted this bottom up approach to enterprise innovation:

  • Cybercrime: ransomware and supply chain attacks. Both are not new, ransomware can be traced back to 1989, with malware known as the AIDS trojan (this had much cultural resonance back then as a name). Supply chain attacks started happening in the 2010s with the Target data breach and by 2011, US politicians were considering it a security issue. Over COVID with the rise of remote working, the attacks increased. The risk put the IT director back in the firing line.
  • AI governance: generative AI systems learn from their training models and from user inputs, this led to a wide range of concerns from company…



renaissance chambara

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